IMDB Age is a Greasemonkey script that I wrote. This script adds the age and other various info onto IMDB pages. This script adds the age and other various info onto IMDB pages.
Essential Films
Here are my essential films. It’s somewhere between my favourite films and a list of films that must been seen. It’s in alphabetical order and I was originally aiming for the 50 mark however there are too many good films so the current count is 83.
Type of Film
There are only four types of film! For a while I (and possibly others) have been able to categorise all films into four different types. I can’t imagine coming up with such an idea.
Aug 21, 2013
2 min read
Essential Films Bechdel Test
I recently found out about the Bechdel Test, I was interested in how many of my Essential Films passed the test. So I used the Bechdel Test Movie List to cross referance.
Jan 31, 2013
2 min read
Cineworld Scrape
I love going to the cinema. I usually go once a week to my local Cineworld multiplex. Their website has changed a few times over the years. Generally the changes have all been improvements and my local cinema listing is good.
Cineworld have an public xml data source
I just found out that Cineworld have a public xml data source. It’s over in the syndication subdir of their main site. There are more technical details over on my CineworldScrape page.
Jun 24, 2009
1 min read
CineworldScrape released to public
I have finally documented cineworldscrape and made it available to the general public. So with any luck google will index it!
May 31, 2009
1 min read